“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What to do?

A fellow ISP'er wrote this blog I thought I would share. Crazy things happen like this all the time :)
Hope this makes you laugh as much as it made me.

What to Do…

-You go to the bathroom and realize you forgot to bring your toilet paper…

-You travel on a 5 hour bus ride through the mountains with lots of “hairpin” turns. The bus driver beeps the horn and prays no one is coming around the corner as you fly around it..

-You go to the bathroom and find a colony of ants, freak out, and go to the other bathroom..only to find a frog.

-Your host mom asks you if you want more rice. You politely answer, “No thank you, I am satisfied.” She gives you more rice.

-You eat only a little at the church lunch because you are still so full from the extremely large breakfast you were made just 2 hours ago. You get back to your host home. Your host sister tells your mother that you barely ate. She responds with, “My God!” and makes you eat a 2nd lunch.

-Nap time, but you don’t take naps…

- You go to the festival event at the apartment complex even though you are extremely tired from your trip. You sit down to watch. They come on the microphone, look right at you and say “the people sitting in the chairs need to join.” You grab 2 sticks (traditional dance of the North that uses 2 sticks in their dancing) and begin to dance.

-You turn into the main attraction at Tamil Nadu’s highest peak tourist spot. How do you respond? Pretend to not speak English. “No speak English.”

- Every time you walk into your apartment building the security man points to the lift even though you use the stairs just about every time. Just because I am white does not mean I am lazy. =)

-Church starts at 8am, you arrive at 8:30am. Perfect.

-Your director requests a small campfire for worship. You show up to find a 8 feet tall wood pile doused in gasoline.

- The bus is stopped and everyone is asked if they want to try a special mountain cookie. Everyone says no. 5 minutes later everyone is given 3 cookies each and the trip continues.

-You find a kurta you love at the mall. Your host mother tells you, you can not wear it. “Indians don’t wear things like that.”

-A 7 person jeep pulls up. All 12 of you pile in.

-The professor assigns you a 8 page paper and then precedes to ask you if that is okay. What is the proper response?

-You are on a safari. The bus seems to speed up anytime an animal is spotted and you try to take a picture of them. Awesome.

- “You’re up already from your nap!?” You never slept.

-Elevator limit=20 people. You count 24.

-You go out to dinner and upon the owner seeing you, an American, enter the restaurant, Oops I did it Again starts to play.


  1. Thank you Kali! You girls are keeping a great sense of humor, funny now-maybe not at the time?Our love and prayers are with all of you.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! This made me laugh!!! I loved every single point. Reminds me somewhat of Africa...the toilet paper issue...the time...the driving...so funny. I'm glad your host mom is feeding you so well. Start trying to sleep when it is nap time!!! Love you girly..miss you so much, and love your blog...keep the posts coming.

  3. hahaha!!! I just second what my mom said. :) So funny. I love you!
