“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Servant's Heart

“The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Matthew 23:11-12

God calls us to be humble and serve others. One thing is for sure, Indians know how to serve.

Every day I am in awe of the kindness, respect and hospitality shown by the people here in Coimbatore. Their kindness is not dependent on race or religion. Their kindness is genuine and pure. It is something we can all learn from.
There are so many stories I could share about professors, students and everybody else going out of their way to make our groups feel welcome and comfortable.

I am doing an internship at a local school. I had two guides that went with me, Christy and Jennifer. They are both masters students at BACAS and missed a whole day of classes to help me on my first day. They were the best guides ever and I loved spending the day with them. At the end of the day I thanked them for coming with me. I could not have done it without them. Seriously, they held my hand as we crossed the busiest highway I have ever seen,they answered all my questions and even taught me some Tamil. They got mad at me for thanking them. They said it was “not necessary” because it was their duty. I wish I could remember exactly what they said because it gave me the chills. They basically told me that there was no other way for guests in their country to be treated and that they would do anything to make sure I was comfortable and safe. The most beautiful part was they truly meant it. They do not just ask questions and help to be polite. They truly care.

A few days after the internship I ran in to Christy and Jennifer in the mess. As we were talking she asked, "how are Sam and Taylor?" At first I was caught off guard. But, then I remembered hewr asking about my family the day we went to the internship. It is not like we spent a lot of time talking about my brother and sister. In fact, she spent more time telling me about her family and showed me pictures. I even met her brother as we were walking back to college. Do I remember any of her family members names? Nope. These two girls are a small example of the unselfish love and giving hearts of the Indian people.

Christianity may be a minority here in India, but Christ is clearly visible.


  1. Thank you for sharing the joys and challenges so far. It helps me know what specific prayers to pray for you as you journey in India and grow weekly from your experiences. God bless you every day!!!

  2. I went back to read this post and now I think it is my favorite one this far. Unselfish love, I have a lot to learn. Shawn my friend, thank you for your prayers, you are the best.
