“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


My plan was to stop blogging after I returned from India. I thought that since my journey abroad was over for now, there was no need to keep blogging. However, the journey is not over, it has just begun. I am still processing and struggling with all that India opened my eyes and heart to. So, for my sake more than the few readers of this blog, I have decided to start blogging again in hopes of making sense of my scattered thoughts and scribbled sentences in my journal.

For the past month I have been reading through my India journal. It has been fun to be reminded and reflect on many of the things I forgot about. In my very first journal entry I shared my goals for the semester. I wrote these during a layover in the Portland airport. I had no Idea what to expect. Besides what I read on the internet and a little packet I got in the mail, I was basically clueless to what the next 3 ½ months had in store.

Exactly as written in my journal:

My goals: (a work in progress)

• Develop a deeper compassion & love for the orphans & widows God calls us to care for.
• Decide if teaching abroad is something I want to do.
• Grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ.
• Develop an understanding for the world outside of America.

I forgot I wrote these. I did not look back at them until a few weeks ago (usually results in major goal failure). However, if you were to ask me what I learned and how I grew, these four goals are exactly what I would tell you. It makes me smile how perfectly God placed these goals in my heart and how perfectly they were fulfilled.
.the twelve. in washington dc about ready to fly halfway across the world


  1. Oh Brooklyn!!! I'm doing a happy dance...I love you and your journaling and I do not want you to ever stop. God has you on a fabulous journey that is worth sharing with the world. It brings glory to God and THAT my friend is what it is ALL about. Whoop whoop. Blog on blog on!!!

  2. Ditto what mom said!! But also I can say that even though I haven't spent hardly any face time with you since you've been back from India I have seen SOOOO much growth and change in all those goal areas and beyond! You definitely inspire and encourage me! And I love when you blog!
